Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (Advanced) Level 2 V2.0
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults (Advanced) Level 2 V2.0
- Why you need to know about safeguarding vulnerable adults
- Why you need to know about safeguarding vulnerable adults
- Case Study
- Continuation of Case Study:
- Why you need to know about safeguarding vulnerable adults
- Aims and learning outcomes
- Aims and learning outcomes
- Aims and learning outcomes
Module 2: Introduction
- Module 2: Introduction
- The Care Act 2014
- The Care Act 2014
- The Care Act 2014
- The Care Act 2014
- The Care Act 2014
- The Care Act 2014
- Proportionality
- The Care Act 2014
- Other Key legislation
- Other Key legislation
- The Mental Capacity Act 2005
- The Mental Capacity Act 2005
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
Module 3: Identifying the signs of abuse
- Module 3: Identifying the signs of abuse
- What abuse is
- Who carries out abuse
- Categories of abuse
- Physical Abuse
- Physical Abuse
- Psychological abuse
- Psychological abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Domestic Abuse
- Domestic Abuse
- Discriminatory abuse
- Discriminatory abuse
- Neglect
- Neglect
- Self-Neglect
- Self-Neglect
- Self-Neglect
- Financial or material abuse
- Financial or material abuse
- Modern slavery
- Modern slavery
- Organisational Abuse
- Organisational Abuse
- Risk factors for abuse
- Risk factors for abuse
- Risk factors for abuse
- Risk factors for abuse
- Risk factors for abuse
Module 4: Capacity to make decisions
Module 5: Responding to a disclosure
- Module 5: Responding to a disclosure
- How a concern may come to your attention
- Why individuals do not make disclosures
- How to respond to a disclosure
- How to respond to a disclosure
- How to respond to a disclosure
- How to respond to a disclosure
- How to respond to a disclosure
- What not to do
- What not to do
Module 6: Safer recruitment
Module 7: Reporting and recording your concerns
- Module 7: Reporting and recording your concerns
- Why people do not report their concerns
- Why people do not report their concerns
- Whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing
- How to report your concerns
- How to report your concerns
- How to report your concerns
- When to report your concerns
- What needs to be reported
- What to do if you are not believed
- Recording your concerns
- Recording your concerns
- Recording your concerns
- What to record
- What to record
Module 8: Referrals and social cares decision
- Module 8: Referrals and social cares decision
- The referral process
- Adult social cares decision
- Adult social cares decision
- Adult social cares decision
- Adult social cares decision
- Strategy Discussions
- Strategy Discussions
- Strategy Discussions
- Strategy Discussions
- The case conference
- Protection plans
- Protection plans
- Protection plans
- Safeguarding vulnerable Adults ( Advanced) level 2 V2.0
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